A few days
ago, I read this article on BuzzFeed, about a young woman who knows virtually nothing
about such things being walked around New York Comic Con and asked to name
various characters that were being depicted with varying degrees of accuracy
and success.
Her answers
were all hilariously, good-spiritedly, entirely wrong. Which is cool. If it’s not your thing, it’s not your
thing. But she was a good sport about
The same,
however, can’t be said for the commenters on the article who called her “uneducated”,
asked if she’d been living under a rock, wondered if she’d ever had a
childhood, all sorts of variations on that same assholic theme.
bothers me the most about that reaction is that the cosplayers I know, the ones
who actually make the costumes and post the photos and bring the characters to
life for these conventions, would never
react that way to this young woman’s ignorance of their craft. Granted, I don’t know every cosplayer in the
world, but the ones I do know are genuinely nice, friendly, helpful, supportive
people who get that their thing isn’t everyone’s thing.
So, because
I’m fighting a cold and it’s making me grumpy and considerably less forgiving than
usual, I’m issuing a little challenge to the judgmental elitist cosplay fans
who are convinced that lack of knowledge of their particular interest makes someone
a complete moron.
following are photos of women who will be immediately recognizable to most
pinup & burlesque enthusiasts. Can
you name them all? Can you? CAN YOU?!
#1 |
#2 |
#3 |
#4 |
#5 |
#6 |
#7 |
#8 |
#9 |
#10 |
#11 |
#12 |
#13 |
#14 |
#15 |
really? You can’t? Is it because you’re an uneducated
rock-under-dwelling Amish who never had an adolescence?
Or is it
maybe just because this isn’t your thing, and that’s perfectly okay?