Yes, it's true. You
can make the world a better place, in three easy steps, without even leaving the comfort of the chair you are currently sitting in.
STEP 1 - Go
HERE and vote for Jessica's Hope Project in the Pepsi Refresh Project, so she can win a $25,000 grant to continue her work of sending fitness-oriented care packages to U.S. troops. We're talking about the people who have pledged their lives in defense of ours. The least we can do is help the project that sends them the things they need in order to remain as badass as possible. This costs you nothing, and takes about 14 seconds.
STEP 2 - My favorite photographer really needs a haircut. Go
HERE to see just how badly. Seriously. The man has tremendous quantities of hair. Fabio sends love notes to Jerry Seeger's hair. At least he used to. I think that might be over now. Maybe that's why Jerry has decided to do something like donate his hair to Locks of Love. Hair needs to be loved, and if Fabio's enamorment is out of the picture, this is the logical next stop for such a fabulous flowing man mane. Please donate if you're able, even if it's only a dollar. If you are not able, believe me, I understand, but if you could repost the link, that will also be greatly appreciated. And costs you nothing, and takes about 14 seconds.
STEP 3 - Okay, there's some shameless self-promotion in this one, mixed with the desire to make the world a better place, but the two are actually more intertwined than you might think. The more I can get my name and face and various exposed body parts out in the world, the more little sparks of recognition will start flying around the Internet when I organize or promote a fundraiser. Which I do a lot of, particularly from October to December. So for Step 3, I am asking you to please go
HERE and vote for me as Pinup of the Month, to win a four page spread in
The Pin Up Magazine. You can vote once daily, now through 9/15. Guess how long it takes, and how much it will cost you.